Department of Energy(DOE) Smart Grid : The US department of energy Smart Grid initiative

Smart Grid News : All Smart related news are available from this website

SMART GRID MATURITY MODEL (SGMM): Carnegie Melon University developed this model to measure the Smart Grid development.

European Smart Grid : The website is managed by SmartGrid European technology platform and covers Smart Grid development projects in the region.

IEEE Smart Grid  : IEEE is the world's largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. It publishes journals and organization conferences on various electrical, electronics, and communication fields. IEEE collaborate with various national and international organization and takes active part in setting standards and protocols.  IEEE has dedicated  Smart Grid focus  and will act as a catalyst for change and innovation across the smart grid ecosystem.

US Government Smart Grid Resource :  It provides information about Smart Grid and government - sponsored Smart Grid projects. The website apart from providing information about government policy, action, funding, also have educative information about smart grid and various components of Smart Grids

SmartGrid Information Clearinghouse (SGIC) : The SGIC is managed and run by Virginia Tech Advanced Research Institute, Arlington, Virginia with support from IEEE Power & Energy Society and EnerNex Corporation. The project is funded by the Department of Energy(DOE), which provided $1.3 million grant to develop comprehensive information portal about Smart Grid. The public Smart Grid information portal includes information about Smart Grid Use Cases, Development projects, Standards, legislation, policy, and regulation.

SmartMeters : SmartMeters is one of leading website covering Smart energy related news, events, projects, regulations, and other relevant information. The website is operated from Scotland.

EPRI : Electric Power Research Institute

MeterPedia: It is very unique and interesting website, which provides graphical information about Smart Grid projects across the globe.

Smart Grid Library: Find Smart Grid Acronyms, Terms, and Meanings at this website

Smart Grid Industry News: This website covers breaking technological, political, and investment news related to smart energy, Clean-Tech and the Renewable Energy industry.

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